Who are Les Raccomodeurs?

A team dedicated to accelerating the transition to a circular economy.

Malo & Pauline

It all starts with conections

Since her time at Galeries Lafayette, where she developed ReStore - the group’s first second-hand space - Pauline had envisioned becoming an entrepreneur to support businesses eager for sustainable change.

Meeting Malo in a startup environment was pivotal: they realized their complementary skills and shared desire to make an impact.

Les Raccommodeurs were born!

Our mission

“Integrate care, repair and the customization to the life cycle
of every product to extend its lifespan.”
Pauline, Co-founder @LesRaccommodeurs
Malo Galliot
Co-founder & CTOO @LesRaccommodeurs
Passionate about technology and nature lover, Malo needs to feel useful. At Les Raccommodeurs, he has found a place where his ingenuity serves a cause that is dear to him every day: sustainability.
Pauline Jaillant
Co-founder & CEO @LesRaccommodeurs
Specialized in fashion and retail, Pauline is looking for a way to combine her expertise and her desire to transform consumption patterns. Enriching your brand with a sustainable post-purchase service is the solution! Repair to consume better.
Laura Vivien
Head of Operations @LesRaccommodeurs
Dynamic at heart, Laura held web development positions for L'Oréal before learning about B2B commerce. With a taste for challenge and a need for impact, joining Les Raccommodeurs was obvious!

How about we start  with a Chat ?

Book a discovery call to turn your after-sales service into a key brand asset.